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Volunteer Sign-Up

If you have an account, please sign in above to access the volunteer schedule.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Mishkon Tephilo's High Holy Days Services. Please complete the form below to sign-up. We are looking for:
  • Sanctuary Ushers/Greeters:
    • Offering a warm, friendly welcome
    • Handing out and collecting books and materials
    • Directing people to their seats
    • Collecting pledge envelopes during the appeal
    • Keeping aisles clear and assisting in emergencies
    • Supporting clergy and staff as needed
    • ENJOYING yourself while helping others

We are seeking ushers/greeters for the following sessions: 
Erev Rosh Hashanah | Rosh Hashanah Day 1 | Rosh Hashanah Day 2 | Kol Nidre | Yom Kippur

  • Doctor-on-call: We would love to know if you are coming to services and are willing to act as doctor-on-call in case of emergency. Please indicate in the notes at bottom which services you could be doctor on-call.
  • Other high holy days and general office help: If you have availability to help with Sukkot dinner and/or Simchat Torah lunch set-up or clean-up, or other general office/sanctuary help, we would love to see you and appreciate your help; please see below.


Check all volunteer shifts you would like to work.

Erev Rosh Hashanah  Wednesday, October 2

Rosh Hashanah Day 1  Thursday, October 3

Rosh Hashanah Day 2  Friday, October 4

Kol Nidre  Friday, October 11

Yom Kippur   Saturday, October 12


Office  General help

Shabbat Greeters   Each Shabbat

Being a greeter is a loving and welcoming way to introduce yourself and Mishkon to congregants, guests, and first-timers. Shifts are Saturdays from 10:00 to 10:45AM.
If you are a member, please ensure you are logged-in to access schedules and use your member portal.

Sukkot   Wednesday, October 16

Simchat Torah   Wednesday, October 25
                                                                                                           Schedule Accessible here to logged-in users
                                                                                                           who signed up for a volunteer time-slot.
                                                                                                           Others will be emailed the schedule closer to
                                                                                                           the high holy days. Thank you!.
Tue, February 11 2025 13 Shevat 5785